What Is Visual Culture?

Answering this question is less easy than might be expected. While visual culture is everywhere and all around us, critical approaches to it and attempts to define it remain hotly contested. Some forms of visual culture, such as fine art or sculpture, have their own, long-established critical traditions. Others, such as cinema and photography, have gradually acquired theirs over the course of the past few decades; but how do we engage with other visual forms, such as graffiti or street art? What critical perspectives should be brought to bear on medical imagery? How might the critical orthodoxies which accumulate within disciplines obscure rather than illuminate their objects of study?

These are the questions that members of GWW are currently engaged with, and which we invite audiences to contribute to, regardless of experience. We are all surrounded by images, and through discussion and debate, we hope to be able to better understand them as we navigate the visual landscape of our world.

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